Baltimore, MD - Feb. 28, 2023 - Alcohol is a part of many Purim celebrations. If drinking, Hatzalah of Baltimore encourages responsible drinking. 

  • Do not drive after drinking.  People who consume alcohol are unaware of their level of impairment.  Just a few drinks more than doubles the risk of a motor vehicle accident.
    • Remove access to motor vehicles prior to drinking.
    • Designate a responsible driver. 
    • Its OK to take away the keys from someone who drinks and plans to drive.
    • Large quantities of alcohol can result in injuries and death
      • Risk of trauma increases when drinking which can result in head, neck and other injuries from falls. 
      • Only drink when a responsible adult is present who can recognize serious injuries and take away alcohol when enough is enough.

Hatzalah should be called when a person is injured, unarousable or has depressed breathing.  When Hatzalah is called for an intoxicated patient, they will be transported to the emergency room.

Hatzalah wishes you and your family a safe and freilichen Purim.

Hatzalah: 410.358.0000