Local Births
- Birth of Birth of a son to Mordechai and Ruthie (Stal) Jhudovitz
03/26/2025 | Baltimore, Maryland |
- Birth of Baby Boy Lehmann-Weiss and Amalya Lehmann & Ariel Weiss
01/15/2025 | Columbus, Ohio | Columbus (formerly Baltimore and London) , OH
- Birth of Birth of a Son to Binyomin and Chani Vilner and Birth of a Son to Binyomin and Chani Vilner
01/14/2025 | Baltimore, Maryland / Lakewood, NJ |
- Birth of
12/08/2024 | Baltimore, Maryland |
- Birth of Birth of Twin daughters to Rafi and Dassy Selevan
11/25/2024 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Nechama Rus Kasnett and Shragi & Rochel Kasnett
11/16/2024 | Baltimore, MD / Monsey, NY | Yerushalayim, Israel
- Birth of Baby Girl Sonnenschein and Noam & Rebecca Sonnenschein
11/11/2024 | Baltimore, MD / Teaneck, New Jersey | Teaneck, New Jersey
- Birth of Birth of a son to Nisanel & Devora Salamon and Nisanel & Devora Salamon
10/29/2024 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Birth of a daughter to Chaim & Shevy Margolese and Chaim and Shevy Margolese
10/27/2024 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Birth of a son to Yoni and Leah Levine
10/26/2024 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Birth of a daughter to Jenny and Yoseph Abergel
10/16/2024 | Baltimore , MD |
- Birth of Birth of a Son to Eli and Rivky Zryl and Eli and Rivky Zryl
09/08/2024 | Baltimore, Maryland | Baltimore, Maryland
- Birth of Mordechai and Baila Kiewe on the birth of a daughter
08/13/2024 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Efrat Emunah and Birth of Efrat Emunah to Baruch & Tzila Zeif
06/30/2024 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Birth of a Son to Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Sandhaus and Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Sandhaus
05/12/2024 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy and Birth of a Son to Eli and Dassi Mishory
04/25/2024 | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Birth of a daughter to Drs. Amir and Yasaman Yeganeh
02/15/2024 | Baltimore, Maryland |
- Birth of Baby Girl and Azriel and Meira Primak
01/29/2024 | Baltimore, MD | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Baby Boy and Tobi and Yoni Samuels
01/25/2024 | BALTIMORE, MD
- Birth of Birth of a Daughter to Aaron & Shifrah Snyder
11/14/2023 | Baltimore , MD |
Out of Town Births
- Birth of a son to Aron& Chana Faiga Kamarow
10/29/2024 | |
- Birth of a Son to Nechemya and Sori Linzer
03/29/2024 | |
- Birth of a Son to Yaakov and Lena Resnick
01/27/2024 | |
- Birth of a daughter to Menachem And Chaya Sara Goldstein
01/18/2024 | , |
- Birth of a son to Rabbi Yonatan & Estee Sonnenschein
01/16/2024 | Teaneck, New Jersey | Teaneck , New Jersey
- Birth of a Son to Aharon and Rachelli Stern
11/14/2023 | | Lakewood , NJ
- Mazal Tov to @leibymoskowitz and family on the birth of twin baby girls 👶 👶
11/07/2023 |
- Birth of Chana Baila Segall
09/05/2023 | |
- Mazel Tov @eitankatz upon the birth of a daughter 💖
08/30/2023 |
- What a special simcha! Quadruplets born to Chabad family in Los Angeles. Sara and Yisroel Gutovich had four healthy babies last week, two girls and two boys! 👶 👶 👶 👶
07/14/2023 |
- Birth of Baby girl to Sholom and Tali Abrahams
06/19/2023 | , |
- Birth of a Son to Mr. and Mrs. David Addi
12/09/2022 | |
- Birth of a daughter to Isaac and Rachelli Nussbaum
11/14/2022 | |
- Birth of daughter to Aron and Chana Faiga Kamarow
11/14/2022 | | Jerusalem , Israel
- Birth of a son to Moishe and Miriam Leah Domb
10/14/2022 | , | Cleveland,
- Birth of a daughter to Levi & Ahava Behmanesh
08/27/2022 | |
- Birth of a son to Eliyahu and Bracha Rottman
01/27/2022 | Jerusalem, Israel | Jerusalem, Israel
- Birth of Riva Friedlander
10/15/2021 | Linden, New Jersey |
- Mazal Tov to Jack and Marnina Gottesman on the birth of a boy
09/24/2021 |
- Birth of Devorah Leah to Shmuel and Mimi O'Connor (Paige)
06/16/2020 | Denver, CO | Denver, O'Connor