Hundreds of residents of the Dolev area in the Binyamin region made their way this morning to the intersection where the shooting attack against an Israeli minibus took place on Friday to read the Book of Esther - one of the commandments of the holiday of Purim.

During the attack, IDF Sergeant Major Ilay Garfinkel was killed in action and six more soldiers were injured. The incident lasted for nearly 5 hours, during which residents of the nearby towns were forbidden from driving on the roads and the town of Dolev was entirely cut off.

The reading was planned by representatives of the nearby towns and Binyamin governor Israel Ganz.

Ganz stated: “Now as then, our enemies are attempting to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews—young and old, women and children (Esther 3:13). We can neither founder nor falter. We must attack villages in the area and change our approach to security.”... Read More: Arutz-7