Russian Jews are celebrating the Purim holiday in the shadow of the national day of mourning announced following an ISIS attack in Moscow which left over 130 dead.

In light of the announcement, Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar has ordered all of the country's Jewish communities not to hold musical events during the holiday.

The call comes alongside an effort to increase holiday-related activities to ensure that all Jews - including those in hospitals and prisons - are able to hear Megillat Esther (the Scroll of Esther), send the traditional "mishloach manot" packages, and donate to the needy.

Upon learning of the Moscow attack at the conclusion of Shabbat (Sabbath) on Saturday night, Rabbi Lazar gave a statement to Russian media, saying, "The news of the tragedy in Moscow has caused us, and our entire community, great pain. We share the sorrow of the victims' families and we pray for the recovery of the injured."... Read More: Arutz-7