One of two drivers responsible for the death of six construction workers on I-695 in March 2023, is being freed from prison after serving just three months of an 18-month sentence.

A Baltimore County Circuit judge approved Melachi Brown's release on Friday, over the state's objection. He will now serve out the rest of his sentence on home detention.

Brown's attorneys argued for early release saying their client has no prior criminal record, poses no threat to public safety, and fears for his life behind bars.

Mr. Brown suffers from anxiety and depression, and those conditions are particularly exacerbated by the disruptive and hostile environment in the Detention Center. Mr. Brown is enduring harassment, threats of violence, and intimidation inside the Detention Center. Mr. Brown cites drug use, threats of violence against him, and gang activity inside the institution which place him in fear of serious bodily injury as reasons for pleading for a modification to home detention.

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