Israel’s Ambassador to Britain, Tzipi Hotovely, spoke on Thursday about the incident in which she was removed from a lecture in London under heavy security following a pro-Palestinian Arab demonstration.

"I was not really scared, this has been my life since I arrived in London, but there is heavy security here. All the ambassadors in London experienced similar incidents," Hotovely told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio).

"I have only one plan for the future - to do my job properly. I am grateful for the privilege of representing the country as ambassador. Despite the difficult things we have seen here, I will not shy away from it and will continue to speak on every important stage in the UK," she stressed.

Tuesday’s incident at the London School of Economics occurred when pro-Palestinian Arab activists on campus and other students tried to prevent Hotovely from taking part in an event with the university's debating society.... Read More: Arutz-7