Baltimore, MD – Mar. 27, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Mrs. Rochel Vim, a'h, mother of Raphael Moshe (Estie) Vim, Aliza Vim, Chedva Vim, Ayala (Ahron) Silbiger, Levi (Sori) Vim, Shana Chaya (Danny) Krasner, Yosef Vim, and Shevy (Zalmy) Jampolsky; daughter of  Rabbi Avraham Yagod and sister of Eli (Ettil) Yagod, Leah (Dovid) Zeffrin, Yitzchok Yagod, and Sara Cohen

Shiva will be observed  at 3209 Taney Road, Baltimore, MD 21215

Shacharis: 8:00AM
Mincha: 7:00PM
Maariv: 8:30PM

Mincha Erev Shabbos: 2:00PM
Maariv Motzai Shabbos: 8:15PM

Breaks 12-1, 5:30-6:30
No visitors past 10PM, please

Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…