Agudath Israel of America, alongside a coalition of Jewish organizations, has filed an amicus curiae “friend of the court” brief in the United States Supreme Court in support of the petitioners in Miriam Fuld, et al. v. Palestine Liberation Organization, et al. (U.S.) This critical petition seeks to reverse rulings of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals that the Promoting Security and Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act of 2019 (PSJVTA) is unconstitutional. The PSJVTA is a vital piece of legislation aimed at holding organizations such as the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian Authority (PA) accountable for their “Pay for Slay” programs in which they incentivize terrorism through financial payments. The PSJVTA ensures American victims of terrorism can seek justice in U.S. courts against those responsible for attacks on U.S. citizens abroad. 

“The Pay for Slay program rewards violence against innocent civilians” said Daniel Kaminetsky, Esq., general counsel for Agudath Israel of America. “Congress has made clear that those who support terrorism must be held accountable. The Supreme Court should uphold the PSJVTA and end Pay for Slay.” 

The brief outlines the extensive history of the PLO and PA’s direct involvement in promoting and financially supporting acts of terrorism, including attacks that have claimed American lives. It further argues that the PSJVTA is a constitutional and reasonable exercise of congressional authority designed to protect U.S. citizens and deter future terrorist acts. 

“The PSJVTA is the legislative vehicle designed to hold terrorist organizations and their proxies accountable for these heinous acts, including the despicable ‘Pay for Slay’ program. We urge the Supreme Court to uphold the PSJVTA so that the victims of terror can seek justice here in the U.S.,” added Mr. Kaminetsky. 

Agudath Israel of America thanks Mark Pinkert, Esq., Jason Torchinsky, Esq., Erielle Davidson, Esq., and Jared Bauman, Esq. of Holtzman Vogel and Scott (Shamai) Whitman, Esq., Craig Unterberg, Esq., and Leel Sinai, Esq. of Haynes Boone for their contributions