Yoni Yagodovsky, Magen David Adom’s director of international relations, offered an insider briefing on the state of emergency medical response in Israel

Baltimore, MD - Jan. 30, 2025 - American Friends of Magen David Adom (AFMDA) and Hatzalah of Baltimore held a joint breakfast and briefing on January 28, the first ever local event organized by the two groups.  Held at Hatzalah’s Baltimore headquarters, the event was hosted by Hatzalah of Baltimore President Eli Goldstein and Executive Director Dovid Heyman and drew 25 attendees.

Yoni Yagodovsky, Magen David Adom’s director of international relations and an expert on mass-casualty response, offered an insider briefing on the state of emergency medical response in Israel, detailing the ways that MDA has grown and developed to meet the nation’s needs since the October 7 attacks. In remarks entitled “First Responders in Israel: Lessons for Baltimore & Beyond,” Yagodovsky addressed the ways that lessons learned in Israel could also help local emergency response teams better address their communities’ needs.

He also spoke of the increased opportunities for Chevra Hatzalah of the US medics to volunteer with MDA in Israel, helping to shore up the nation’s EMS capabilities at a time of growing needs on the ground.

Among those in attendance was City Councilman Yitzy Schleifer, Rabbi Jonathan Aryeh Seidemann of Kehilath B’nai Torah, Hatzalah board member Shmuel Luxenburg, and Dr. Ron E. Samet, president of Bikkur Cholim of Baltimore, a volunteer-based organization dedicated to addressing the needs of Jewish patients confronting medical challenges. Danny Kochavi, AFMDA’s chief of staff, represented Magen David Adom, along with Ira Gewanter, director of AFMDAs Mid-Atlantic Region.

Gewanter presented the members of Hatzalah with a signature mezuzah of the kind displayed in MDA’s Marcus Blood Center, where Israel’s blood supply is tested, processed, and stored. It will be affixed to the doorway of Hatzalah’s training center to signify open doors within a collective mission to save lives.

“Hatzalah has been critical first responders for me and my family on different occasions, and it was terrific to start my day reinforcing how fortunate we are to be in a community that profoundly cares for each other and our family in Israel together. I anticipate more opportunities for close partnership going forward,” said Gewanter.