The future of the Red Line remains in question, especially with the new Trump Administration in place in Washington, and some leaders are starting to call for a pivot in plans.

Baltimore’s east to west public transit plan was canceled under former Gov. Larry Hogan, who called the light rail plan a “boondoggle” and sent federal funding back to Washington. In June 2024, Gov. Wes Moore revived the plan, and said federal funding would be more likely if then-President Joe Biden was re-elected.

Fast forward a few months, and candidates, and Donald Trump is sitting in the Oval Office and funding for the public transit plan is back in question. Congressman Kweisi Mfume, a Democrat from Baltimore City, cautioned that the funding wasn’t likely, at least for the next two years, citing the political winds in Washington aren’t favorable to similar projects.

“This issue with the Red Line is only an issue because the money isn't there and so I don't know to answer your question directly when it will be taken care of and when that money will be forthcoming, I can tell you in the next two years, it’s not going to happen,” Congressman Mfume said.... Read More: FOX45