Baltimore, MD - Jan. 6, 2025 -   The Baltimore Community was looking forward to one of the highlights of Chanukah, the Car Parade and Grand Menorah Lighting.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Close to 100 Menorah topped vehicles and Police vehicles paraded through Northwest Baltimore and Baltimore County led by Baltimore City and County Police Departments, spreading the light and joy of Chanukah. The Parade was led by Police Motorcycles and a Cyber truck topped with a Menorah and vehicles from Baltimore Hatzalah, Shomrim and Chaveirim as well as Northwest Citizen Patrol.

Hundreds of people came out of their houses to watch the parade pass by. The Parade passed by the 770 building of Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore.

The Parade ended at Quarry Lake where once again a Grand Menorah Lightning, Gelt Drop with the Pikesville Fire Department, Laser Light Show and a concert by, Issac Ben took place sponsored by Chabad of Maryland and Chabad of Park Heights and was organized by Regional Director of Chabad of Maryland Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan and Shliach to Chabad of Park Heights Rabbi Shmulik Raices who emceed the event. Over 1000 people attended.

Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan noted, the growth of this event year by year is the fulfillment of the Rebbe’s vision and a vivid demonstration of how powerful an effect this has on all kinds of people, and Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon, director of Chabad of Park Heights shared words of inspiration.

The parade was organized by Baltimore Shliach Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum, director of Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland-Chabad, and Chabad Centers of Baltimore with the assistance of Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, Regional Director of Chabad of Maryland.

The parade was made possible through the coordinated efforts of Baltimore County Police and Captain Hanley and Baltimore City Police.

A special thank you to Obrecht Properties