Jerusalem, Israel - Oct. 1, 2024  - In Yerushalayim tonight, at around 7:30 PM, we were alerted to go down to our building’s miklat (shelter). Unlike previous missile attacks, where we could leave after 10-15 minutes, this time we were told to stay until further notice. We were alerted by a warning on our cell phones from the Home Front Command. The sirens went off a few minutes later, and the miklat began to fill with our neighbors. Young people helped older shechenim (neighbors), and mothers brought their children and babies to safety.

Some husbands were out, either davening or shopping, and found shelter elsewhere. One man managed to send a message to his wife via a neighbor that he and their son had found protection in a nearby shelter. Baruch HaShem, we had water in the shelter, and we offered it to each other, making a loud bracha of Shehakol together.

Many people were reading and learning from the books we keep in the miklat. I said Tehillim aloud, and the men davened along with me, pasuk by pasuk. We heard loud booms, likely the defense system intercepting the missiles. We finished with אַחֵינוּ כל בית ישראל הנתונים בצרה ובשביה. Many women and young girls said Tehillim with great kavanah. One teenage girl became emotional but pushed through.

To lighten the mood, I joked about which nusach we would use for Rosh Hashana and who would be the Ba’al Tefillah and Ba’al Tokeah. We had a radio in the miklat since our phones weren’t working in the shelter, and eventually, some husbands made it back. We heard on the radio that over 500 missiles were fired from Iran, yet miraculously, none caused harm. Nissim Gluyim (open miracles)! We received the all-clear to leave the shelter, and we all felt mamash the Yad Hashem protecting us.

We also learned of a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv that caused casualties. May Hashem heal the injured and give strength to the affected families. This attack occurred on the last day of תשפ״ד. We hope and pray this will be the last of such hateful attacks. תכלה שנה וקללותיה, תחל שנה וברכותיה—may this year’s curses end, and may the new year bring blessings.

May our enemies receive their punishment, and may our nation, Am Segula, be inscribed in the books of complete tzadikim for life and peace. We must strengthen our friendship with each other and our bitachon in the Ribono Shel Olam, who watches over us in the holy land, as the pasuk says, "עיני השם אלוקיך… מראשית השנה ועד אחרית השנה". May we merit together to see the complete redemption soon, bimheira b’yameinu.