Israel’s Consul General in New York, Ofir Akunis, warned in an interview with The New York Post that the Big Apple is in danger of falling under “radical Muslim occupation” like many cities in Europe.

“You know what's happening in London these days, you know what’s happening in Paris these days and in Malmo, a major city in Sweden? They are under radical Muslim occupation,” said Akunis.

“There are no-go zones and I don’t want that to happen here in New York or in other places here in the United States,” he told The Post. “They burned an American flag right here, in front of the doors of the [Manhattan] consulate.

“I’m calling on New Yorkers: wake up before it will be too late!” added Akunis, who added, “Your September 11th is our October 7th. It’s radical Islam.”... Read More: Arutz-7