Baltimore, MD - July 7, 2022 - On Tuesday evening, July 5, more than 200 Daffers and non-Daffers alike celebrated the in-person Baltimore visit of Rabbi Eli Stefansky whose Daf Yomi shiurim (and “8 Minute Shiur” - a review of the day’s Daf) are watched and listened to daily by participants all over the globe.
Beside the attendees experiencing the great camaraderie that exudes from his shiur, Rabbi Stefansky had the zechus to meet his most senior talmid, Chazzan David Neuman, 94, bli ayin hara. Chazzan Neuman told the world-renowned Daf Yomi magid shiur that all his learning has been strengthened due to his participation in Rabbi Stefansky’s Mercaz Daf Yomi that he watches every day.
Click here to read about the amazing incentive from O'Fishel's Mitzvah Motivators Ke$ubo$ Commitment.
Special Thanks to Nachum Hurvitz and Avraham Klugman for the tech support
Special Thanks to the sponsors:
O’Fishel’s Mitzvah Motivators
Big Al
Seven Seas Sushi
Joshua Feldman
Shmuel Cotton
Eli Hefter