- Engagement of Shevy Strauss and Yakov Langer
11/08/2015 | Baltimore, Maryland | Queens, NY
- Engagement of Binyomin Leventhal and Chana Portal
11/06/2015 | Ramat Bet Shemesh | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Yoel Galkin and Yael Levine
11/04/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Chaim Kahana and Ruchama Levovitz
10/25/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Lakewood, NJ
- Engagement of Yechiel Kessler to Sarah Bain
10/25/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Bayswater, NY
- Engagement of Ephraim Baruch and Malky Mincer
10/18/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Lakewood, NJ
- Engagement of Malka Katz and Binyamin Edelman
10/11/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Noach Bergman and Nechama Goldman
10/07/2015 | Silver Spring, MD | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Tova Firestone and Ephraim Cook
10/01/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Dovi Halpern and Rivka Haimowitz
10/01/2015 | Atlanta, GA | Baltimore
- Engagement of Shua Wealcatch and Shira Silverman
09/30/2015 | Baltimore, Maryland | Atlanta, Georgia
- Engagement of Sean Elbaum and Stacey Glick
09/24/2015 | Baltimore, MD | New York
- Engagement of Menachem Greenfeld and Tzippy Yankelove
09/22/2015 | Cleveland, Ohio | Baltimore , Maryland
- Engagement of Esti Klein and Shlomo Zalman Tropper
09/19/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Somewhere, USA
- Engagement of Sivi Shamberg and Alex Simone
09/12/2015 | Baltimore, MD