- Engagement of Avi Furman and Esti Caplan
01/07/2016 | Baltimore | Baltimore
- Engagement of Gitti Lipsky and Yeshaya Coriat
01/06/2016 | Baltimore, MD | Boston, Massachusetts
- Engagement of Meshulem Weiss and Soochie Blonder
01/05/2016 | Baltimore, MD | Los Angeles, CA
- Engagement of Aaron Moss and Rikki Feldman
01/04/2016 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Uriel Young and Avigayil Yudkowsky
01/03/2016 | Silver Spring, Maryland | Baltimore, Maryland
- Engagement of Eli Kahana and Bracha Esther Gifter
12/27/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Lakewood, NJ
- Engagement of Kayla Friedman and Davi Berman
12/27/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Los Angeles, CA
- Engagement of Sara Hisler and Ari Shapiro
12/21/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Los Angeles, CA
- Engagement of Meir Eidensohn and Elisheva Palmer
12/18/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Ilana Sperling and Ben Tzion Efron
12/16/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Engagement of Alan Beitsch and Devorah Bergman
12/11/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Engagement of Esther Wolf and Aharon Rochkind
12/03/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Dr. Eliahu Beleck and Elisheva Weinstein
11/29/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Brooklyn, NY
- Engagement of Chani Kreindler and Moishe Winter
11/22/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Los Angeles, California
- Engagement of Sara Kruger and Dov Schwartz
11/10/2015 | Jerusalem/Baltimore | RBS/Brooklyn