- Engagement of Esther Dinovitzer and Avi Rosenbaum
09/07/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Staten Island , NY
- Engagement of Binyamin Ouazana and Melissa Zoldan
09/02/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Monsey, NY
- Engagement of Tikva Seleh and Yosef Hekmadja
08/24/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Los Angeles , CA
- Engagement of Ashira Mensh and Michael Mirsky
08/23/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Somewhere, FL
- Engagement of Mrs. Judy Bregin and Mr. Yaakov Hillel Gross
08/19/2015 | Baltimore, MD | New York, NY
- Engagement of Meir Ball and Shoshannah Wolfish
08/14/2015 | Manchester | Baltimore
- Engagement of Eliyahu Balsam and Shira Huberfeld
08/14/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Lawrence, NY
- Engagement of Aharon Nachman and Aliza Goldberg
08/10/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Passaic, NJ
- Engagement of Hadassah Bauerle and Ilan Roth
08/09/2015 | Baltimore
- Engagement of Amanda Schuster and Eli HArris
08/08/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Avi Fox and Noy Klapholtz
08/05/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Givat Shmuel, Israel
- Engagement of Devorah Bernstein and Pesachya Newman
08/03/2015 | Baltimore, Maryland
- Engagement of Daniel Meir Prero and Sara Sollofe
07/30/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Yaacov Orlievsky and Rivkah Wolfish
07/29/2015 | Toronto | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Miriam Balsam and Dovid Mandel
07/28/2015 | Baltimore | Montreal