

Shaarei Rachamim Greenspring Sefardic Synagogue 6611 Greenspring Ave

6611 Greenspring Ave
Baltimore, MD 21209

Shaarei Tfiloh Congregation

2001 Liberty Heights Avenue
Baltimore , MD 21217
Phone: 410-523-4375

Shearith Israel Congregation/ Glen Avenue Shul

5835 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
Phone: 410-466-3060

Shomrei Emunah Congregation

6221 Greenspring Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21209
Phone: 410-358-8604
Email: office@shomreiemunah.org

Shomrei Mishmeres

2821 West Strathmore Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21209
Email: info@shomreimishmeres.org

Silver Spring Jewish Center

1401 Arcola Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20902
Phone: 301-649-4425
Email: ssjc2003@verizon.net

Silver Spring Ohr Hatorah

1009 Kersey Rd silver Spring MD
Silver Spring , MD 20902

Silverberg Minyan (DOWNTON) 10 E. Baltimore St.- End of the Lower Lobby

10 E. Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410)752-5955
Email: jdsilverberg@aol.com

Sinai Hospital

2401 W. Belvedere Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215

Snider Law Firm

600 Reisterstown Road
Baltimore, MD 21208

Southeast Hebrew Congregation, Knesset Yehoshua

10900 Lockwood Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20901
Phone: 301-593-2120

Star K Mincha Minyan

122 Slade Avenue, Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21208
Phone: 410-484-4110
Email: star-k@star-k.org

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