Parshas Shemos - Forward Progress

By BJLife/Ori Strum
Posted on 01/13/23

Forward Progress is a fascinating rule in the National Football League that states that the play is ruled dead at the spot where forward progress toward the opponent's end zone stops. What this means is that even if the player is driven back a few yards by the defender, the play is ruled dead where the initial contact was made. This rule offers an advantage to the offense, because provided that the player makes a play and gains yardage, even if the defender pushes him back, he will not lose the yards that he originally gained. 

What an incredible message for life. You see, so often we are scared of progressing and moving forward in life because we are afraid that we will be pushed back. We are afraid that if we attempt to move forward and take a step in the right direction, that maybe things won't work out. Maybe our attempt will fall short. Maybe we won't get there. Maybe we won't accomplish what we set forth to accomplish.  

But remember, the National Football League got their "Forward Progress" rule from the Ultimate rule book of life. And the rule in life of Forward Progress states that if we move forward in life, if we step in the right direction, if we attempt what might seem uncomfortable, if we challenge ourselves to progress and grow, then NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, we moved forward and made progress.  

But I didn't get the job. I didn't get the promotion. I gave in to my Yetzer Hara at the last minute.  

Guess what? The results don't reflect whether or not you made progress in life. Progress reflects whether or not you made progress in life, if that makes sense. 

We have to try, and try our best. We have to take a step in the right direction. We have to attempt and attempt as hard as we can. We have to do our job of moving forward. And then, FULL STOP. Realize there is value and tremendous progress in that, whether or not the thing you set out to do and accomplish came to fruition. Forward Progress teaches us that even though - in the moment - it seems like you've been pushed back several yards, in reality you gained several yards. In reality you moved forward, not backwards! 

Parshas Shemos discusses the beginning of the Jewish people’s era of slavery in Egypt. It seemed like we were pushed backwards, failing, and not gaining progress. But deep down, this was all truly a set back that acted as a set up for a comeback. We would, by rule of Forward Progress, actually end up achieving levels of greatness and holiness that were perhaps otherwise not possible. 

Have a holy Shabbos