Posted on 09/05/24
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 4, 2024 - The Baltimore community and Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah (Zidichov of Baltimore) is buzzing with excitement as a new Kollel opens its doors. The first Zman began today, Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Elul, and this new development promises to bring significant spiritual growth to the local community.
According to Rabbi Shaul Edelman, Executive Director of Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah, the opening of the Kollel has been in the works for several years, spearheaded by the Zidichover Rebbe of Baltimore, Harav Yissochor Dov Eichenstein, Shlit”a. “The Rebbe has been talking about opening a new Kollel for a long time,” said Rabbi Edelman. “The hardest part was finding the right Rosh Kollel. That breakthrough came this past winter when the Rebbe met with Harav Tzvi Kaplan, Shlit”a, in Eretz Yisroel. With Rav Kaplan’s full support and guidance, we were able to handpick the Rosh Kollel.”
The newly appointed Rosh Kollel is Rabbi Aryeh Hartman, a distinguished Talmid of Rav Tzvi Kaplan’s Yeshiva in Yerushalayim and originally from Flatbush. He will be joined by Rabbi Moshe Kirwan, a native of Baltimore, who will lead the second seder as the Rosh Chaburah.
The Kollel begins with a group of nine Yungerleit, primarily composed of Rav Tzvi Kaplan’s Talmidim, many of whom recently moved from Yerushalayim. Another group is expected to join after completing their studies in Maseches Temura.
The establishment of this Kollel marks a significant spiritual milestone for Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah. Rabbi Edelman emphasized that while the Kehillah is blessed with hundreds of people learning daily, the Avreichim of this Kollel will bring a heightened atmosphere of purity and dedication to Torah and Avodas Hashem. "A group immersed in learning full-time raises the spiritual level of all those who come in contact with them," he said.
What makes this Kollel unique is its full integration with the Kehillah. The Yungerleit will not only be learning but also davening with the main Minyanim on Shabbos, attending community events, and engaging with Baalei Batim during Night Seder. This integration is expected to create a profound and broad impact on the Kehillah and beyond.
Funding a Kollel of this magnitude can be costly, but Rabbi Edelman explained that the Rebbe, Shlit”a, often speaks of the concept of “ארון נושא את נושאיו” (the Ark carries those who carry it). Supporting a Kollel, he believes, will not drain the community financially but will instead become a source of tremendous Bracha and Parnassa for those who contribute.
Looking ahead, the Rebbe envisions this Kollel as just the beginning for Baltimore. He hopes that this will set a new standard where every Kehillah has its own integrated Kollel, just as Night Seder has become a standard in many communities. With other Kollelim also opening their doors this Zman, the future of Torah learning in Baltimore looks bright.
As the new Kollel at Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah begins its journey, the entire community eagerly anticipates the spiritual growth and blessings it will bring.
Rewritten from the Baltimore Jewish Home ‘613 Seconds’ Feature, sponsored by Rosenblatt Mortgage Group and USA Mortgage.