Hutzot Hayotzer Fair 2024 (Photo Essay)

By BJLIfe/Sharon Altshul
Posted on 08/21/24

Jerusalem, Israel - Aug. 21, 2024  - Jerusalem, Israel is hosting the 48th Arts and Crafts Fair Hutzot Hayotzer in the Mitchell Gardens and Sultan’s Pool. After Tisha B'Av, at the end of August, the annual end-of-summer event opens near Jaffa Gate, across from the Walls of the Old City. 

The booths filled with international countries' specialties were missing this year. However, fitting the theme “We Must Keep Playing” - the show went on at the initiative of the Jerusalem Municipality and the Ariel company.

Israeli artists included evacuees from the South & North and international artists in 80 stalls, presenting a massive array of 150 artists. The arts and crafts stalls are for 11 nights of the festival event. Outdoor artists, painters, sculptors, ceramicists, calligraphers, leatherworkers, weavers, embroidered, and goldsmiths are also participating. 

There’s also an increasingly important culinary aspect each year, with street food stalls of leading chefs and restaurants, offering diverse cuisines. Something for everyone. All of the stalls are to be kosher.

The booths are set up along a pathway with displays that, using advanced technologies, LED screens, AI tools, digital projection, and 3D illusions, "transform the open space of the Sultan’s Pool into an immersive, innovative, and unconventional experiential park that blurs the boundaries between imagination and reality."

The displays, created by artists from fields such as design and technology, "tell a story of imagination, creation, and hope, with transitions from one to three dimensions, and from black and white to vivid colors, with a bright, fantastic conclusion."

Each evening has a special musical performance in the Sultan’s Pool featuring some of Israel’s most famous musicians. The last night is Monday, August 26, 2024, with a show at 10 pm by Ishay Ribo.

The festival is open every evening (except Friday) from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm and after Shabbat from 9:00 pm to midnight in the Hutzot Hayotzer compound.