Feb, 1, 2002: Jewish Journalist Daniel Pearl Is Murdered

By History.com
Posted on 02/01/23

From History.com: Daniel Pearl, a 38-year-old journalist working for the Wall Street Journal, was murdered by a terrorist group in Pakistan on February 1, 2002, (19 Shevat 5762). He was on his way to an interview in Karachi, when he was kidnapped by terrorists who accused him of being a spy. The group demanded the release of all Pakistani terror detainees from the US and refused to respond to appeals for Pearl's release. Despite efforts by the US intelligence, Pearl's remains were found weeks later. British national Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh was convicted of the murder in 2002, but the Pakistani Supreme Court ordered his release in 2021. The al-Qaeda network claimed responsibility for Pearl's murder through Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in 2007, and others with ties to al-Qaeda have also been connected to the death. The journalist's kidnapping and murder received widespread media coverage and highlights the threat of terrorism after the 9/11 attacks on the US.