Please Read This Important Letter from Rabbi Jonathan Aryeh Seidemann Sent This Evening to his Congregation Regarding a Kashrus Issue (Video)

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 08/03/20

Baltimore, MD - Aug. 3, 2020 - The following was just sent by Rabbi Jonthan Aryeh Seidemann to his congregation:

Dear Misspallelim,עמו״ש
I ask you please to read this letter from my respected Rabbinical colleagues in The Five Towns in New York.
As one of those  named restaurant establishments now seeks to purvey food here in Baltimore ,
I wish to inform you that I am not comfortable with their  hechsher.

Please be aware as well that for any affairs booked in our Social Hall we cannot accept food or catering from those establishments.


יהונתן אריה זיידמן

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