- Engagement of Yehudit Schreiber and Menachem Metzker
11/03/2021 | Lakewood, NJ | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Yaakov Kravetz and Sarala Dudovitz
10/26/2021 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Shaya Lager and Yitty Koval
10/25/2021 | Baltimore, MD | Cleveland, Ohio
- Engagement of Rutchie (Ruti Shira) Weiss and David Shaked
10/21/2021 | Ramat Beit Shemesh, Baltimore, Israel | Jerusalem, Israel
- Engagement of Yoni Sonnenschein and Estee Billig
10/17/2021 | Baltimore, Maryland | Engelwood, New Jersey
- Engagement of Yitzy Lejtman and Shoshana Smith
10/04/2021 | Baltimore, Maryland | Flatbush, New York
- Engagement of Sara Leah Klainberg and Dovid Nissel
09/26/2021 | Baltimore , Maryland | Baltimore , MARYLAND
- Engagement of Moishe Goldenberg and Tamari Tendler
09/13/2021 | Baltimore, Maryland
- Engagement of Rachel Schwob and Jared Levine
08/31/2021 | Baltimore , Maryland | St. Petersburg , Florida
- Engagement of Laura Jasso and Omri Wilson
08/29/2021 | Baltimore/Dallas, MD/TX | Dallas, Texas
- Engagement of Ashley Myers and Aaron Sanders!
08/29/2021 | Baltimore, MD |
- Engagement of Yaakov Yitzchok Resnick and Lena Gornapolsky
08/18/2021 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Rochel Malka Kravetz and Dovid Chait
08/11/2021 | Baltimore , MD | Queens, NY
- Engagement of Leibi Laks and Adina Sofer
07/25/2021 | Baltimore, MD | Monsey, NY
- Engagement of Aliza Ifrah and Moshe Jacob
07/09/2021 | Baltimore, Maryland | Monsey, New York