- Engagement of Ahuva Ambush and Yeshayahu Schwartz
05/08/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Silver Spring. MD/Cleveland, OH,
- Engagement of Chani Ference and Mordy Lyss
05/05/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Dovid Bregin and Bracha Klagsbrun
05/04/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Passaic, NJ
- Engagement of Shira Feigenbaum and Yaakov Shuchatowitz
05/03/2015 | Cleveland, OH/Baltimore, MD, | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Binyamin Friedman and Esther Topas
05/01/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Sarah Rosensaft and Avromie Mutterperl
04/26/2015 | Baltimore, Maryland | Lakewood, NJ
- Engagement of Dovid Markovitz and Gitty Gold
04/23/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Detroit, MI
- Engagement of Blima Zelinger and Alex Maged
04/23/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Toronto, CN
- Engagement of Berel Galkin and Rachel Weissmann
04/16/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Tzila Himelstein and Baruch Zeif
04/12/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Baruch Zeif and Tzila Himelstein
04/12/2015 | Baltimore, Maryland
- Engagement of Esther Preis and Tani Gerstman
04/12/2015 | Cincinnati | Baltimore
- Engagement of Danielle Bagan and Naftali Dubin
04/07/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Flatbush, NY
- Engagement of Tzila Himelstein and Boruch Zeif
04/02/2015 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Shuey Greer and Lemor Sidis
04/01/2015 | Baltimore/LA, | Los Angeles, CA