- Engagement of Penina Kozlovsky and Yoey Schacht
10/18/2017 | Baltimore, MD | Sharon, MA
- Engagement of Noam Sonnenberg and Shifra Lieberstein
10/17/2017 | Baltimore, MD | Far Rockaway, NY
- Engagement of Yossi Volovik and Rivky Scheierson
10/03/2017 | Baltimore, MD | Passaic, New Jersey
- Engagement of Malky Hochberg and Yitzi Feldman
09/19/2017 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Yitzi Feldman (white oak, MD) to Malka Hachberg (Baltimore, MD)!!
09/18/2017 | Baltimore, MD |
- Engagement of Eliana Shields and Judah Kerbel
09/13/2017 | Silver Spring/NYC, MD/NY, Baltimore | Roslyn Heights/NYC, NY
- Engagement of Batsheva Nochomovitz and Shloimy Berger
09/04/2017 | Baltimore, MD | Flatbsuh, NY
- Engagement of Rivky Neger and Duvi Strohli
09/03/2017 | baltimore, MD | Brooklyn, NY
- Engagement of Shmuel Marks and Leah Yarmark
09/03/2017 | Baltimore, MD | Brooklyn, New York
- Engagement of Raizel Sondhelm and Ezri Rosen
09/03/2017 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Binyamin Wach and Nechama Sochet
08/28/2017 | Baltimore, MD | Far Rockaway, NY
- Engagement of Dovid Seidel and Devorah Cohen
08/23/2017 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Dovid Seidel and Devora Cohen
08/21/2017 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Moishe Firestone and Sara Feigy Keller
08/18/2017 | Baltimore, Maryland | Brooklyn, NY
- Engagement of Naftali Hollander and Sheina Singer
08/17/2017 | Baltimore, MD