- Engagement of Hendel Seif and Sammy Rosenfeld
01/27/2018 | Spring Valley, New York | Baltimore, Maryland
- Engagement of Ahuva Goldfeder and Uzi Milevsky
01/24/2018 | Baltimore, MD | Toronto, Ontario
- Engagement of Meira Sobol and Chaim Harris
01/21/2018 | Baltimore, Maryland | Cleveland
- Engagement of Adina Kramer and Shmuel Baruch Chesir
01/11/2018 | Baltimore, MD |
- Engagement of Faigy Herskowitz and Yosef Chaim Finkelstein
01/09/2018 | Baltimore, Maryland | , New York
- Engagement of Zvi Menken and Devorah Krycer
01/02/2018 | Baltimore, MD | Dallas, Texas
- Engagement of Eli Kreindler (Queens/ Baltimore) to Ellie Fadlun (Woodmere)!
01/01/2018 | Baltimore, MD |
- Engagement of Elana Lansky to Dr. Mordy Gardyn
12/31/2017 | Baltimore, MD |
- Engagement of Akiva Goldberg and Shana Moskowitz
12/26/2017 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Daphna Krupp and Ariel Weiss
12/25/2017 | Baltimore , Maryland | Palo Alto, California
- Engagement of Dina Nachman and Runi Willner
12/24/2017 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Chana Tendler and Avi Katz
12/24/2017 | Baltimore, MD | Detroit, MI
- Engagement of Danny Trestman and Shalva Kakon
12/19/2017 | Baltimore, Maryland | Brooklyn, NY
- Engagement of Tzivi Dixler and Eli Katz
12/19/2017 | Baltimore, MD
- Engagement of Tzivi Dixler and Eli Katz
12/18/2017 | Baltimore, MD