- Birth of Baby Girl To Leah (Rosenfeld) and Sholem Egert (1 photos) (1 guestbook posts)
06/16/2013 | Lakewood, NJ | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Baby Girl To Leah (Rosenfeld) and Sholem Egert
06/16/2013 | Lakewood, NJ | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Little Princess Mashinsky to Yaakov and Ahuva
06/16/2013 | Lakewood, NJ | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Baby Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Gavriel Kelemer
06/14/2013 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Meital Sima Klein to Amichai Klein and Atara Klein
06/13/2013 | Baltimore, Maryland
- Birth of Baby Boy to Yosef and Tova Schuerholz
06/10/2013 | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Baby Boy to Hillel & Loni Goldman
06/10/2013 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Girl to Shuie and Rivky (Boehm) Anisfeld
06/10/2013 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby boy - Dovid Simcha & Rivky Greene
06/09/2013 | Brooklyn, NY | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Baby Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Shnaidman
06/07/2013 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Rabbi & Mrs. Uri Meyers
06/07/2013 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Dovid and Shira Dick
06/06/2013 | Lakewood, NJ / Baltimore, MD, |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Mr. & Mrs. Aryeh Rabinowitz
06/06/2013 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Yitzy and Tova Filler.
06/05/2013 | Baltimore, MD | Los Angeles, CA
- Birth of Baby Boy to Ari & Hindy Moskovitz
05/31/2013 | Baltimore, MD |