- Birth of Birth of Baby Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Loeb
02/09/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Shoshana and Baruch Gutow
02/06/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Hadassah Golda to Mr. and Dr. Shmuel Schachter
01/31/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Nosson Rotberg
01/31/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Tehilla to Mr. & Mrs. Yonasan Stern
01/30/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Mr. & Mrs. Yehoshua Barber
01/30/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Mr. & Mrs. Yanky Katz
01/30/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Binyomin and Tzipora Goldfeiz
01/29/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Mr and Mrs Reuven Kaplan
01/29/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Mr. & Mrs. Eli Neuberger
01/29/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Chaim & Shoshy Kruger
01/29/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Alex & Rozanna Altshuler
01/28/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Chaim & Shoshana Chernoff
01/27/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Ariel and Naomi Jacob
01/26/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Birth of Tehilla Tova Monderer
01/26/2014 | Baltimore, MD |