- Birth of Birth of Baby Boy to Deena & Chaim Mordechai Meister
05/22/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Aryeh and Aviva Feld
05/14/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Rechy and Yosef Heinemann
05/12/2014 | | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Baby Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Segal
05/09/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Rabbi and Mrs Chezky Finkelstein
05/08/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Rabbi Binyamin & Rebbetzin Marwick
05/05/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Rabbi and Mrs Mordechai Goldman
05/05/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Rivky (Schuck) and Eliezer Zryl
05/04/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Ariella (Langbaum) and Yoni Sudwertz
04/28/2014 | Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Baby Girl to Mr. & Mrs. Boaz Dougherty
04/27/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Avraham Yosef and Rachel Tova Chernitzky
04/25/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger
04/24/2014 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Devorah and Shua Ribakow
04/23/2014 | Baltimore, Md |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Moshe & Nechama Nafisi
04/14/2014 | Los Angeles, CA | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Baby Girl to Rabbi and Mrs. Raphael Szendro
04/12/2014 | Baltimore, MD |