- Birth of Birth of Baby Girl to Yaakov & Meira Simanowitz
12/02/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Tzviel Bk & Phaygi Chinn-Blankchtein
12/01/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Chaim and Eliana Rotenberg
12/01/2015 | Teaneck, NJ | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of Baby Boy to Mr. & Mrs. Ari Weiss
11/26/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Mindy and Shmuel Hyatt
11/19/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Birth of Baby Girl to Chaim and Elianna Mitnick
11/17/2015 | Riverdale , NY | Baltimore, MD
- Birth of baby Boy to Jenny and Avraham Weinschneider
11/17/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Gavi and Elisheva Zeitlin
11/15/2015 | Israel/Baltimore |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchok Katz
11/13/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Mr. & Mrs. Avi Dear
11/13/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Avigayil and Yitz Pierce
11/07/2015 | Detroit, MI | Baltimore , MD
- Birth of Tsophia Mesorah to Noki and Naomi Ganz
11/06/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Rabbi & Mrs. Mendy Schapiro
11/06/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Birth of Baby Girl to Emma & Avi Kadin
11/06/2015 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Eli and Rivky (Schuck) Zryl
11/03/2015 | Baltimore, MD | Baltimore, Maryland