- Birth of Baby Boy to Mr. & Mrs. Akiva Bookman
06/16/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Menachem and Elana Tenenbaum
06/14/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby boy to Baruch and Shana Gutow
06/06/2016 | Baltimore, Maryland |
- Birth of Birth of Baby Girl to Dr. & Mrs. Chaim and Rikki Ambinder
06/01/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Ephie and Rutie Rosenbloom
06/01/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Jaffe
05/27/2016 | Israel/Baltimore, |
- Birth of Birth of Baby Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Naftoli Novice
05/27/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Zehava and Binyamin Gerstenfeld
05/27/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Baby Boy to Mr. & Mrs. Ben Zion Rochkind
05/24/2016 | Israel/Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of TWINS (Boy and Girl) to Josh & Eva Gonsher
05/24/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Birth of Baby Boy to Mattis and Devorah Goldsmith
05/17/2016 | Baltimore/Israel, MD |
- Birth of Birth of Baby Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Weimer
05/16/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Birth of Sapir Margalit to Noam and Rivka (Oberstein) Millrod
05/14/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Boy to Miriam & Jorj Felder
05/11/2016 | Baltimore, MD |
- Birth of Baby Girl to Frayda and Shmulie Grunberger
05/09/2016 | Baltimore/Philadelphia | Baltimore/Philadelphia